What Are You Going to Do With Your Life by J.D. Greear

Book Club and Live Author Q&A

What Are You Going to Do with Your Life? with J.D. Greear

We hope you were as inspired by Pastor J.D.’s most recent book as much as we were! We ended our reading with our most viewed live author Q+A ever, with over 3,600 of you tuning in!

If you’re new to Women & Work, you can still purchase What Are You Going to Do with Your Life? and enjoy the video below! We pray this conversation will spur you on to keep trusting the Lord with your calling and walking by faith toward everything He has for you!

Huge thank you to Pastor J.D. for joining us!

You want your life to matter.
To mean something.
It’s not too late.

If you’re like most people, you believe God can use your life to count for eternity, but you’re not sure how what you’re doing right now can really make a difference.

In this book, J.D. Greear considers Jesus’ radical call to give your life away to the greatest cause of all. To view your life from the perspective of eternity. To start making decisions now that you’ll be glad you made then.

No matter what stage of life you’re in or what career path you chose, your life can still count for the Kingdom.

Put your “yes” on the table and trust God to put it on the map.

The Call to Follow

Book Club and Live Author Q&A The Call to Follow: Hearing Jesus in a Culture Obsessed with Leadership Reexamining the Nature of Leadership and “Followership”

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