Lindsey Bomgren, Founder of Nourish Move Love
Lindsey Bomgren Founder of Nourish Move Love This month at Women and Work we are going to feature Lindsey Bomgren, founder of Nourish Move Love.
Women & Work
Work Done Well: Megan Archer
Megan Archer
Video Production Manager
Megan Archer is a video production manager for a telecommunications company in Baton Rouge, LA. She received a Bachelor of Arts (concentration in Broadcast Journalism) in 2008 from Nicholls State University and a Master of Mass Communication (concentration in Strategic Communication) from LSU in 2020. Megan produces, films, and edits commercials and documentaries for TV in her current role. She also works as a contractor for oil and gas companies seeking video production. One of the best parts of her job is the opportunity to manage and mentor her staff and network with others in the community.
In her spare time, Megan enjoys serving at her local church in youth ministry, children’s ministry, media team, and the Spanish ministry. She also loves to travel, explore new places, cheer on the New Orleans Saints, and spend time with her family and friends. Her favorite Bible verse is Philippians 4:6-7. One fun fact about her is that she went cage diving with great white sharks in Cape Town, South Africa!
Megan, we are so excited that you are joining us today on our Work Done Well blog. Can you share with us a little bit about yourself and what career field you are currently working in?
I am originally from a small town in Louisiana near the Gulf of Mexico. I grew up there, and right after high school, I went to a local college about an hour away. That was really a starting point for me and my Christian journey. I was saved during that time, discipled, and God really grew my faith. While in school, I decided to go into broadcast journalism. I’ve always sort of known that’s what I wanted to do. At first, I thought I wanted to be a news reporter. However, during my senior year, I decided I enjoyed being behind the camera and working on the production side of things.
Currently, I manage a team of three employees (which I really enjoy)! I also attend PR events on behalf of my company. I relish the opportunity to represent my company in the community and network with other professionals in the area. In addition, I also work as a video contractor for oil and gas clients in the region.
How did you come to recognize the gifts God has given you and learn to leverage those gifts for the kingdom of God and for his glory? How do you seek to represent Christ and image Him through your work?
I have consistently recognized in myself that God had given me specific giftings that fit my personality. I knew I was going to do something that involved working with people. I’m not one to sit at a desk all day behind a computer screen by myself. I really thrive off of networking with other people, working with others. I recognized the gift of leadership at an early age. As I continued to seek after God, I wanted to glorify him and further his kingdom. My parents are both educators, but I never wanted to teach. I told myself, “I’m not going to be a teacher.” But then, when I was placed into a setting with other people in a work environment, I realized I enjoyed teaching others new skills. Even today, I just feel energized when I start teaching and mentoring.
When using my gifts in a ministry setting, I see God using me as a teacher. I currently co-teach 11th-grade girls in the youth group at my church. It’s refreshing to spend time with them. There are many challenges that teenagers face, especially girls. I think it’s essential that they have role models that they can look up to. I want them to know I’m here for them and that they can come to me with concerns or with problems or just encouragement. They are such an incredible group of young ladies and are so excited to learn about the Lord and share their faith at school.
I also teach the three-year-old class at church. It’s a massive jump from 17-year-old girls to three-year-olds, but you know, the Lord leads me even through those little children.
They just love learning about God. They are like little sponges, just ready to soak up whatever we teach them. Just knowing that I’m planting seeds early, even though I may not be the one to water them, encourages me. Who knows, years from now, I may come across those once three-year-old kids, and they might be doing extraordinary things for the Lord.
I also get to use my video skills to serve on the media team at my church. I enjoy creating an experience for people that I know will benefit God’s kingdom. It requires a lot of focus because you’re in a room with lots of TVs, talking to camera people on headsets and directing them on camera angles while also monitoring the online feed. In the COVID era, the online church experience must be good. Many people may not yet have come back to church for various reasons, and they rely on that online service. For me, it’s trying to bring them the best experience. Even though they’re not in church, it’s still vital that they feel connected and part of the congregation, even though they may be at home.
The last ministry that God has allowed me to be a part of is the Spanish ministry at my church. I just started getting involved because I used to know a little Spanish. I’m working on regaining that, but what a joy that has been. We are trying to plant a church and make a difference in that community. I’ve always been excited to learn about other people groups and cultures. Even though we may speak a different language, we worship the same God.
I think it’s important with work in general that I always strive to be my authentic self. I never want people to say, well, Megan’s this way at church, and she’s this way at work. You could probably ask anybody, and they would tell you Megan’s the same, no matter what. It’s crucial in our Christian walk to be authentic because those who may not know God are looking for genuine people. I don’t act a certain way because I know people are watching. Instead, I try to be who God created me to be. Christ calls us to love in word and deed. It’s not so much about what you say but more about how you treat people.
What advice would you give to other women who are also seeking a career in a male-dominated field just as you are?
I would tell them to not let fear of being the minority stop them from pursuing their dream. I am thriving as a black woman in a male dominated industry. I would encourage women not to be afraid to set boundaries and speak up for themselves. You have that right. If something or someone makes you feel uncomfortable, you have the right to say something. Even though the video production industry is a male-dominated field, the Lord also needs women to be a part of this work. The Lord created all of us with gifts and skill sets that can be used in various ways. It wasn’t a career made just for men. Women can be a part of this career field just as much as men.
I would also say try and find a mentor, another lady in the same field you are interested in. You want someone who’s done it before you so that, you know, you can go to them. They will understand the pressures and difficulties that women face in the industry. That’s why I always seek to be a mentor to people younger than me. I go back to the college that I graduated from, talk to the students in broadcast journalism, and just encourage them, specifically women. While it may be hard at times, you can stand up for yourself.
I think it’s a fantastic field, and I absolutely love it. I can’t see myself doing anything else, and I would encourage other women to not back down from pursuing what they feel called to be doing.
Even though the video production industry is a male-dominated field, the Lord also needs women to be a part of this work. The Lord created all of us with gifts and skill sets that can be used in various ways. It wasn't a career made just for men. Women can be a part of this career field just as much as men.
At your current job, you serve in a leadership role. How have you grown as a leader and how have you seen God use you in that role?
I will say that I did not start out as a manager. I was actually a struggling college student. In my last semester of school, I was interning at a news station in New Orleans. They offered me a part-time job, but I didn’t accept it because the pay was so low that I wouldn’t have been able to afford an apartment. So I ended up moving back home and was offered a temporary part-time job at my current company. I thought I would only stay for six to twelve months, but I’m still here thirteen years later. There were times when I struggled with my decision and asked myself whether this was the job for me. I think part of that reason was, people, who meant well, would come up to me and tell me that they saw so much potential in me, and why wouldn’t I move to a big city to focus on my career? It kind of weighed on me, and lots of times, I was just like, “What am I doing here? Why am I still staying here?” But I always knew my ultimate desire was to please the Lord and obey him. I knew the Lord was asking me to stay put until he told me to go somewhere else. I would tell anybody this, man or woman, be obedient to the Lord because you have no idea the blessings in store. If you just wait on the Lord to move, he will provide for you. So I stayed where I was. Eventually, I was given the opportunity to become a manager. But several years before I became a manager, the Lord pressed upon my heart to start looking within for opportunities to grow. I was like, “Megan, why don’t you start with yourself? If you don’t see that there’s an opportunity in front of you, make one happen.” So I took advantage of that, and I started listening to podcasts on leadership and reading leadership books. I attended leadership conferences, and as I grew professionally and personally, that also led to me growing spiritually.
I was really thriving in my quiet times with the Lord. I felt energized and had a new outlook on life. I started taking advantage of the time that I had. I was single, with no kids, and was living at home. I didn’t have many bills. I asked myself, “What other time in my life am I going to have this much freedom?” I decided to take advantage of those opportunities and create opportunities that I didn’t see in front of me. That led to me eventually getting promoted to supervisor and then to manager. And even in a manager’s position, I never want to lose that growth mindset. I’m always trying to grow as a person and allow the Lord to use and direct me.
Leading people can often be a challenge, but it’s also rewarding. Approaching difficult situations with grace and remembering that things have to get done can sometimes be difficult. The business has to run smoothly. Learning to coach and mentor someone is way more important than coming down on them. Sure, we need discipline in certain situations, but taking the time to understand each person on my team is so important. The Lord created each person for a specific purpose, and that’s how I’m to treat them. I try to spend time with the people I manage and get to know them personally. I also believe open and honest communication is equally important.
How do you keep yourself encouraged that the work you’re doing is valuable and worthwhile when the world tempts women to believe otherwise. And are there any scriptures God has given you to keep you present in the work to which he has called you?
I rest in the fact that God has called me to this position. I know there’s nowhere else that the Lord wants me to be right now except where I am in this current moment. It’s rewarding to see the people I manage excelling in their job. I had to change my mindset when I became a supervisor and then a manager because it’s not about promoting yourself but about your team. When your team does well, you do well, and you can celebrate. When they’re struggling, I’m struggling. When they’re winning, I’m winning. I love just seeing them shine and thrive in their roles and letting them get the spotlight and praise from other people. When I get to see the fruit of my labor, it encourages me to keep going.
Two scriptures that encourage me are Philippians 4:6-7 and Proverbs 3:5-6. Philippians 4:6-7 says, “Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God. And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus,” and Proverbs 3:5-6, “Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge to him, and he will make your paths straight.”
Sometimes I get anxious or overwhelmed with so many moving parts and things that need to get done. I have to remind myself of these scriptures over and over again. The Lord reminds me to not be anxious for anything. I need to stop and present my request to the Lord, and when I do that, he floods me with his peace.
I also am reminded to trust the Lord when things don’t work out, or my expectations about something fall through. I know that I can trust the Lord. I don’t know his ways, but I do know that his thoughts are higher than my thoughts and his ways are higher than my ways. Ultimately I can trust the Lord because he’s faithful and true. I hold tight to those verses every single day. And when I feel like I’m not valuable, especially as a woman, I remember that God has a specific plan and purpose for my life. I’m confident in the fact that He’s faithful to fulfill and carry out the good work he started in me.
What is your favorite project or experience that you’ve been a part of that has meant a lot to you?
It’s hard to narrow my list of favorite projects down to one. Several years ago, I produced a documentary called “Dylan’s Journey” that focused on the life of a young man in our area who died of cystic fibrosis. He was such an inspiration to so many people in the community. Even after his death, his memory still lives on through the work his family and friends are doing to advocate for organ donation. I was so touched by the stories his parents shared and the impact he had in his short time on Earth. It’s through projects like this one when I feel like I’m really walking in my purpose. It’s an honor and privilege to get the opportunity to tell these types of stories.
Last question for you, besides being in the media industry, you have a passion for discipleship and helping those in need. Can you share with us about what God has taught you along the way?
When I first started college, I was discipled by an older Christian girl. She was on the soccer team, and she spent time with me and taught me how to read the Bible. She challenged me to memorize scripture and apply it to my life. That’s what really transformed my life. A couple of years later, I did the same thing with an incoming freshman, and I grew to love discipleship. After college, I continued to walk that path and meet with a women’s discipleship group. I believe that every Christian should be discipled or at least experience discipleship because it is one of the foundations of being a Christian.
Through my heart for discipleship and working with others, I began to help teach an AWANA program at my former church. Within that ministry, they have a program called Returning Hearts. It is an event held every year at the Louisiana state penitentiary. It allows fathers and grandfathers who are currently incarcerated and have had good behavior to spend the day with their children and grandchildren. Volunteers come in from all over the United States to assist and serve the families. As you volunteer, you are really just in the background to make sure the day goes smoothly. The day is more about letting the child interact with their father (sometimes for the first time in years). You see the Lord healing broken hearts and mending relationships throughout the day.
Many dads would take the opportunity to apologize to their children for abandoning them. Typically, men locked up in this prison are serving a life sentence, but this one day out of the year offers a glimmer of hope. At the end of the day, as a volunteer, I get to help with the balloon release and watch as the children and fathers embrace one last time and say their goodbyes. It’s an emotional experience as the child and volunteer walk toward the pickup area, and the father is left standing there with tears in his eyes. This ministry has really captured my heart, and it’s so needed in our communities. The Lord loves people in prison just as much as the next person. And being a part of something like this has really humbled me.
After that experience, I started doing weekly jail ministry. Every week, I would go with a team to the local jail and have Bible study with the ladies. Many of the women we met were in challenging situations and looking for hope and encouragement. They wanted us to pray with them and just sit and talk. They wanted to know someone cared about them. I quickly realized that being consistent and showing up week after week was important. We would remind the women that God is a God of second, third, and fourth chances. We are never too far away from His love.
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