Episode 46: Hannah Anderson

Writer, Bible Teacher, Contributing Author to Women & Work

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Hannah Anderson is an author and Bible teacher who lives in the Blue Ridge Mountains of Virginia with her husband, Nathan, and three children. Her books include Made for More, Humble Roots, All That’s Good, and Heaven and Nature Sing Her latest children’s book, The World God Made, releases in May 2023. Hannah’s goal is to encourage believers to think deeply and broadly about how the gospel transforms every area of life.


In this episode, Courtney continues to chat with another contributing author to our forthcoming book, Women & Work: Bearing God’s Image and Joining in His Mission through our Work. Hannah wrote chapter 5 entitled, “Bodies of Work.”

Courtney and Hannah discuss:

  • The fact that our current workspaces are systemically masculine and the challenges women face when we show up in those spaces in our female bodies
  • Her answer to those who would assert that because workspaces aren’t made for women’s bodies, then women should only work at home
  • Why she believes we have become a church and society that mostly emphasizes the spiritual or mental instead of the physical aspects of our humanness
  • Suggestions for women whose work environments don’t honor their physical needs
  • Her definition of society’s “success sequence” and how this sequence has not considered women’s bodies well 
  • Her thoughts on why the gender wage gap exists and what should be done about it
  • How God designed our bodies from the beginning to fulfill work
  • How Jesus’ work could only be accomplished in a human body
  • How our bodies are an important part of us as humans and will one day be redeemed and resurrected just as Jesus’ was


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