Episode 47: Portia Collins

Bible Teacher, Writer, Podcaster, Non-Profit Leader
Contributing Author to Women & Work

Connect with Portia Online

Portia Collins is a Christian Bible teacher, writer, and podcaster with a passion for sharing God’s Word. Portia is also the founder of She Shall Be Called, a nonprofit women’s ministry focused on Bible literacy. You can also catch her hosting two weekly podcasts: Grounded—a podcast/videocast from Revive Our Hearts—and Sweet Tea with Jasmine & Portia. 


Portia and her husband, Mikhail, have a daughter and currently make their home in the Mississippi Delta.


Portia wrote chapter 6 in Women & Work, entitled, “Don’t Waste Your Gifts.” In this episode, she and Courtney discuss:

  • How the Bible defines stewardship
  • How flourishing as humans is a result of good stewardship
  • How fear and comparison are traps to managing our gifts and talents well, as mentioned in the Parable of the Talents in Matthew 25
  • What is holding women back from producing the life and growth that comes with faithfully putting our talents to use
  • How Portia has overcome discouragement or exhaustion to persevere in being a good manager of her own gifts and talents
  • Why humility is an important characteristic if you want to be a faithful steward


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Women & Work: Bearing God’s Image and Joining in His Mission through our Work