Jess Barefield

Interior Designer and Business Owner

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Jess Barefield is an interior designer and business owner, wife and mom of 3. She has a love for beautiful and practical spaces that comes from years of executing her own interior design dreams. Jess grew up in Pittsburgh and made stops in Philadelphia, Washington D.C, and Atlanta before settling in Dallas. Living in so many different houses helped her to appreciate the impact a well-designed home can have on family life. After doing it so many times for herself, Jess wants to help other families create a home that reflects who they are and beckons them home after a long day. 

Jess is married to Christian hip-hop artist Trip Lee and mother of three. Jessica understands the importance of balancing style with functionality. She firmly believes that our homes should not only be beautiful but also serve our needs. And even with kids, it is possible to have both. Ultimately, Jess wants to help you love where you live.

In this episode, Jess discusses: 

  • Her work as an interior designer
  • The danger of comparison
  • Serving to the point of exhaustion and believing that we as caregivers must also care for ourselves