Episode 20 Elyse Fitzpatrick & Eric Schumacher, Part 2

Elyse Fitzpatrick & Eric Schumacher

Co-Authors of Worthy and Jesus & Gender

Elyse Fitzpatrick is a nationally sought-after speaker and author of 25 books on daily living and the Christian life including Worthy: Celebrating the Value of Women that she co-authored with Eric.

Eric Schumacher is a pastor, songwriter, and author. He earned a Master of Divinity in Biblical and Theological Studies from The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary. 

Elyse and Eric co-host the Worthy Podcast together, which we wholeheartedly recommend to our listeners.

In part 2 of this interview, Elyse and Eric discuss: 

  • How to place our confidence in the Lord when we fall into the lies of pride and self loathing.
  • Responding to people who fear that discussing the value of women is a slippery slope to egalitarianism.
  • Women in the new covenant are not to be quantified based on their relationship status but recognized for their partnership in the gospel.
  • How fearing women leads to dehumanizing and objectifying women which leads to pornography and abuse.
  • The meaning of having a “gentle and quiet spirit” in 1 Peter 3:4 and how it does not mean women are to be quiet and not have an opinion.
  • Encouragement for single women and affirmation of their value and work in the kingdom of God.


Did you miss part 1 of this conversation with Elyse and Eric? Click here to listen.