Women & Work
Episode 64: Naná Castillo and Claudia Lotti
Co-authors of Toda Mulher Trabalha (Every Woman Works)
Naná Castillo is the creator and mentor of the Filipenses Quatro Oito ministry (Philippians 4:8), which aims to transform the everyday lives of women through the truths of the gospel. She is a speaker, blogger, and co-author of the book Toda Mulher Trabalha (Every Woman Works). She is also a registered nurse with a master’s degree in pediatric nursing and a PhD in health sciences. She taught for years at a university before dedicating herself exclusively to ministry and her family. Naná lives with her husband and two children in São Paulo, Brazil, where they are members of the Igreja Batista Maranata. You can learn more about her and her ministry at @filipensesquatrooito or reach her at [email protected].
Claudia Lotti is a medical doctor specializing in neurology and a university professor. She grew up in a Christian home as the daughter of a minister in the Presbyterian Church of Brazil. She is a Sunday school teacher at her church and a Bible counselor. She began her public Bible teaching ministry in 2019. Claudia is married to Rinaldo, they have 3 children and live in Brazil.
In this episode, Courtney and Missie asked Naná and Claudia these questions:
—Claudia, how did God lead you to become a doctor and a professor?
—Nana, how did you transition from pediatric nursing and teaching to founding Filipenses Quatro Oito?
—What is Filipenses Quatro Oito, and how did it begin?
—How did you two meet?
—What is Christian culture like in Brazil for women and particularly for women working outside the home?
—What did you learn about the Brazilian women who participated in the research you did in your book?
—Chapter 2 in your book is entitled (in English), “Created to Serve.” What is God’s design for women especially as it relates to what we’re called to do?
—What do you say to those who think a woman’s place is solely to bear children and tend to the home? How does the Bible validate women’s work outside the home?
—How do you both manage all of your God-given responsibilities well (serving family, women, patients, students)?
—How should Christians respond to the frustrating moments in our work?
—How can we work for the glory of God instead of for our own names and recognition or as those striving out of fear?
Resources Mentioned:
Toda Mulher Trabalha (Every Woman Works)
Women & Work: Bearing God’s Image and Joining in His Mission through our Work
La Mujer Y El Trabajo: Portadoras de la Imagen de Dios Y Unidas a Su Misión Mediante Nuestro Trabajo
The Gospel Coalition Women’s Conference 2024
Nancy Guthrie
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